• writing sample task 2 (Balanced approach)

     writing sample task 2 (Balanced approach)

    Nowadays environmental problems are too big to be managed by individual persons or individual countries. In other words, it is an international problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


    There is no cast of shadow that environment-attributed challenges are such big menaces to the whole world, yet the question is whether they ought to be tackled individually or internationally. Although each and every one of us can play a key role to address the issue, global institutions can and should perform a much more crucial duty in this regard.

    As far as individuals are concerned, they should acknowledge the fact that “our planet is our home”, to be more specific regardless of what administrations can do to resolve the matter, the dwellers of every single city and town ought to be required to comply with environmentally-friendly standards in their life one of which is relying on public transportation to commute to curb emission of green house gases as a major source of air pollution. Take Scandinavian states as a case in point where a large proportion of residents either walk or take their bikes both to wander around and go to work. Moreover, these people show no interest in utilizing fossil fuels to keep their houses warm and they have already started to install solar panels on their rooftops to harness solar “green” energy.

    Naturally enough, international organizations namely the United Nations as well as the International Monetary Fund are able to have a much more prominent role via holding global conventions and summits in which representatives of different states participate to express their concerns and coordinate their efforts with other officials and executives bodies, which are definitely prosperous enough to afford exorbitant expenses of conducting universal environmental campaigns. For instance, had it not been for the climate conference in Paris in 2015, none of those 170 states would initiate their anti-global warming schemes whose positive results will be shown in long-run.

    Having considered all the above-mentioned facts, I personally concede not only the public but also the global community must be obliged to take responsibilities to fight against constant environmental threats.


    Word count: 360

    Time: 45′

    Hamid Mollazadeh