Coordinating Conjunctions

Coordinating Conjunctions:

1)And: Development in technology has changed our lifestyle, and it has created lots of new job opportunities.


۲)So: lots of people are interested in eating fast food, so obesity rate in increasing day by day.


۳)For (because): Majority of people are keen on using their own car, for the public transportation system is not well-managed.


۴)Or 1. (Otherwise): To promote your new products, you can put an advertisement in the newspaper, or you can run a commercial on TV.

          ۲٫ (giving choice): You must use the internet, or you cannot keep pace with the new technology.


۵)Nor: Nuclear energy does not solve the energy crisis in the world, nor does the solar power


۶)But (Yet): Mobile phones have lots of strong points, yet their drawbacks should not be undermined.                

             The exam was easy, yet/but most students fail.

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